Bronwen Cowie


Exploring tangled interrelationships between assessment and curriculum Journal article 2022
Towards science assessment with an orientation to science for societal good Journal article 2022
Enduring competencies for designing science learning pathways Research publication 2022
A sensory landscape of place as an invitation to belonging in early childhood settings Journal article 2020
Equity as family/whānau opportunities for participation in formative assessment Journal article 2015
Preparing primary and early childhood initial teacher education students to use assessment in teaching Journal article 2014
Developing an identity as a teacher-assessor: Three student teacher case studies Journal article 2014
Reviews Journal article 2013
Implementing e-network-supported inquiry learning in science Journal article 2013
Curriculum Implementation Exploratory Studies 2: Final report Research publication 2011
Engaging whānau with children's science learning Journal article 2011
The SCIAnTICT project: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning of primary science Journal article 2011
ICT in support of science teaching and learning: Teaching landforms and erosion Journal article 2010
ICT in primary science: Insights from the TELA evaluation Journal article 2010
Preparing assessment-capable teachers: What should preservice teachers know and be able to do? Journal article 2010
New Zealand curriculum implementation exploratory studies: Final Report Research publication 2009
Let it rip—Patero at its best! Journal article 2009
Connecting science teachers with their Māori students: Linking one school’s tuata with forest ecology Journal article 2009
Teacher formative assessment decision making: A consideration of principles and consequences Journal article 2009
Exploring the use of an interactive whiteboard in a primary science classroom Journal article 2009