Transition portfolios: Another tool in the transition kete


This article draws on ongoing research by the teaching team at Mangere Bridge Kindergarten that investigates the role of a transition portfolio for children making the transition to primary school. During the kindergarten's Centre of Innovation research project (2006-2008), focus groups of kindergarten parents often commented that they viewed their child's kindergarten portfolio as a taonga, or treasure, and were reluctant to part with it. Having seen the value of kindergarten portfolios in the new entrant room for children and teachers, the teaching team investigated the value of developing a specific transition portfolio so that the families could keep the child's kindergarten portfolio at home. Teachers attending professional development workshops on our research at Mangere Bridge Kindergarten have been interested in the theoretical frameworks of our portfolio work and the practicalities of adapting the key ideas to their own context. The findings reported in this article cover practical and pedagogical considerations for both early childhood and primary teachers to use in their own practice.

Hartley, C., Rogers, P., & Smith, J. (2014). Transition portfolios: Another tool in the transition kete. Early Childhood Folio, 18(2), 3–7.
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