Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 5: 2019

Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 5: 2019

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Keynote Address for ANZEA Conference, July 2019, Waipuna Lodge, Auckland.
Frances Valintine is a “Futurist” thought-leader in emerging and disruptive technologies and has 20 years’ experience across business, technology, and education. In 2013, Frances founded The Mind Lab, a unique collaboration between a public education provider and a specialist education lab dedicated to digital literacy capability and contemporary practice in the teaching profession. In 2016, she launched Tech… Read more

Why the reference to “a dangerous time” in the article title? I believe that we now live and do evaluation research in a period when governance in advanced democratic societies is unusually difficult. We face deep and far-reaching challenges—climate change, income inequality, disruptive technologies, globalised markets, and so forth—for which there are few low-risk, low-cost solutions. Far-reaching policy shifts are needed to manage or mitigate these threats, all with consequences we cannot… Read more

In Aotearoa New Zealand, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has an evaluative quality-assurance framework for all non-university tertiary education organisations. NZQA expects organisations to engage in their own self-assessment to maintain and improve quality and achieve outcomes. However, NZQA allows each organisation to decide its own methods, so long as self-assessment is systematic and planned, and improvement activities and decisions are evidence based. In 2015, our… Read more

The questions of who values, with whom, in what ways, and under what conditions concern all evaluators but are explicitly considered by some theorists more than others. Theorists placed on the valuing branch of Christie and Alkin’s (2013) evaluation theory tree emphasise valuing in their conceptualisation of evaluation, but even among these theorists there is diversity in the ways in which valuing is considered and realised in evaluation practice. This article explores this diversity within… Read more

Programme theory (PT) development can prove challenging, as power dynamics among stakeholders and/or between the evaluator and stakeholders can be hard to navigate. An important part of the PT-development process is navigating the points of knowledge of a programme and merging them to gain accurate insight on the programme and outcomes. This process typically involves inviting the perspectives of different stakeholder groups and consolidating these perspectives in a visual depiction. This… Read more

Fellows’ Strand plenary
Evaluation for the Anthropocene: Shaping a sustainability-ready evaluation field
2018 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference

Fellows’ Strand plenary
Evaluation for the Anthropocene: Shaping a sustainability-ready evaluation field
2018 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference

Fellows’ Strand plenary
Evaluation for the Anthropocene: Shaping a sustainability-ready evaluation field
2018 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference