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How much of a child's development is influenced by the school he attends? Barbara Maughan and Janet Ouston- two of the research workers involved in the publication of the widely acclaimed...
| Year published: 1980 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
It describes different types of solvent abuse, lists some of the signs and symptoms of sniffing, and makes some practical suggestions about ways of dealing with sniffing 'epidemics'. It is...
| Year published: 1982 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Of course fathers are important - aren't they? Fathers have always been important. Fathers provide for their families. Fathers supervise, discipline and train. Fathers teach children skills...
| Year published: 1982 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
In order to convey information and notions about time adults use a complex set of conventions. Of interest is children's ability to grasp and use these conventions.
| Year published: 1982 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
One of our more persistent beliefs is that New Zealand children have the best health standards in the world. But now, on all sides, evidence is accumulating that conditions for children and...
| Year published: 1978 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
A.R. Luria, the great Soviet psychologist, died recently. Lurra and other members of the Moscow school of psychology developed a theory about the relationship between speech and behaviour which...
| Year published: 1978 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Is bilingualism a handicap? The literature on the effects of bilingualism on the intelligence, linguistic proficiency, and mental health of bilingual individuals is vast, complex and contradictory...
| Year published: 1977 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Social-class differences in children's speech and language have attracted a lot of attention in recent years, and a variety of theories have been put forward to explain and describe them. Some...
| Year published: 1977 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Why are there so many behaviour problems in children these days? Do they reflect falling values and standards in society and a breakdown in authority and discipline at home and in school? Are they...
| Year published: 1977 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Research shows sex differences in the development of children and adolescents. This review examines how these influence behaviour and attainment.
| Year published: 1977 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article