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Curriculum and assessment
Curriculum and assessment
An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement
Games, gamification, and game design for learning: Innovative practice and possibilities in New Zealand schools
How “tight/loose” curriculum dynamics impact the treatment of knowledge in two national contexts
Opening the door to games at Hutt Central School: The benefits of a syndicate-wide approach
NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016: Methodology and sample information
Capabilities are curriculum weaving tools
All the school's a stage. Schools collaborating with experts in the community
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research update 2015
Financial literacy of secondary students, and its place within secondary schools
Learning to learn in secondary classrooms
Toward assessment readiness: An embedded approach in primary initial teacher education
Teachers’ metaphors of literacy: Do we need new metaphors?
A bridge over troubling waters in education: The complexity of a “students as co-researchers” project
Learning through feedback loop metaphors
Space, relationships and performativity: Using metaphor to reflect on teaching
Linguistic threats associated with metaphors about evolution
Using an extended food metaphor to explain concepts about pedagogy
Notes to contributors
Special Section in Curriculum Matters 2016—Call for Expressions of Interest
Metaphors as boundary objects in preservice primary teacher mathematics education
Special section editorial: Metaphors and metaphorical understanding
Starting the conversation: Student transition from secondary to academic literacy
A review of New Zealand’s EOTC policy and curriculum: Changing meanings about safety
Reframing, refocusing, and revitalising: The inclusion of identity in the New Zealand curriculum
Music teachers talking: Views on secondary school curriculum content
Agentic subjectivities and key competencies
Editorial: Curriculum Matters 10 years on: A window on curriculum
Computer-administered vs paper-and-pencil tests: Is there a difference?
Developing historical empathy: Showing progress
Developing learning partnerships through Mantle of the Expert at NCEA Drama Level 2
Using selected NCEA standards to profile senior students’ subject-area literacy
Assessment for learning, online tasks, and the new Assessment Resource Banks
Valuing assessment
Creating a new pathway for learning using education for sustainability
“A degree of latitude”: Thinking historically and making holistic judgements about internally assessed NCEA course work
The assessment-capable teacher: Are we all on the same page?
Using annotations to inform an understanding of achievement standards
Using Rasch measurement to improve analytical marking keys
Working for positive outcomes? The standards–curriculum alignment for Learning Languages, and its reception by teachers
Singaporean teachers’ views of classroom assessment: Findings from using Q-methodology
Iranian university students’ conceptions of assessment: Using assessment to self-improve
Curriculum for the Future
Challenging hegemonic understandings in compulsory risk management and rehabilitation of intellectually disabled offenders through curriculum design
Navigating and noticing: Preservice teachers’ journeys in planning mathematics programmes
The challenges of the diverse media landscape when learning about current events in the social studies classroom
Curriculum shockwaves? Geography, science, and the Canterbury earthquakes
Editorial: Making sense of curriculum
Transitioning from talking democratically, to thinking democratically and acting democratically: Exploring student-centred approaches to curriculum implementation
Problems in developing formative assessment: A physics teacher’s lived experiences of putting the ideas into practice
‘Tell me about your school’: Researching local responses to New Zealand’s National Standards policy
Perceptions of the effectiveness of feedback: School leaders’ perspectives
Exploring first-grade teachers’ use of data to inform early literacy instruction
Questioning as formative assessment: Investigating the use of the ESRU framework to guide students’ learning
Inductive assessment approach: An open-ended and exploratory method for assessing students’ thinking competence
Student inquiry and curriculum integration: Ways of learning for the 21st century? (Part B)
Strengthening engagements between schools and the science community
NCEA one decade on
Secondary schools in 2012
National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement: Wānangatia te putanga tauira
Implementing values in the New Zealand curriculum: Four years on
Inquiry learning, drama and curriculum integration
Student inquiry and curriculum integration: Shared origins and points of difference (Part A)
Service-learning as a responsive and engaging curriculum: A higher education institution’s response to natural disaster
A four-stage framework for assessing statistical literacy
Working towards a motivational pedagogy for school programmes in additional languages
Expansive learning: Multicurricular pedagogy and holistic development through a music-centred programme
Physical education and citizenship: More than just the creation of the “personally responsible” body?
Dusky maiden—noble savage: Pasifika representation in the NCEA drama classroom
Primary school visual arts education: Teachers’ perspectives
“Same, same but different”: The dangers of binary definitions of dis/ability in the neoliberal marketplace of early childhood education and care
Aligning curriculum and assessment-divergent approaches in the framing of knowledge
Editorial: Curriculum change and teacher resistance
Commentary: Directions for Assessment in New Zealand
Assessment that matters: The transformative potential of narrative assessment for students with special education needs
Assessment of naturally occurring evidence of literacy
What makes performance tasks motivating: Influences of task characteristics, gender and ethnicity
New Zealand teachers’ overall teacher judgements (OTJs): Equivocal or unequivocal?
The complexities of moderating student writing in a community of practice
Curriculum: a catalyst for change - challenges for the future
Children's working theories: The neglected sibling of Te Whāriki's learning outcomes
The five debates: Simplifying the contemporary play literature
Errors in test results: The “quick guide” part 2
Assessment of key competencies, literacy and numeracy: Can these be combined?
Social studies integrity in an integrated inquiry unit
Teaching styles and pupil progress: what the book says
The primary school curriculum: Assimilation, adaptation, transformation
School-wide Assessment: Evidence of Student Achievement: Portfolio Systems
Library of experiences
A junior version of the “whole game” of science
"Just something that I have to do": Year 12 students talk about VCE
What is real? Students' perceptions of physical education
Sexuality education in New Zealand: What adolescents are being taught and what they really want to know
Health Education in New Zealand: Issues, challenges, and blueprint for the future
Total wellbeing: Health education for the new millennium
Blending Te Whāriki and the Ta`iala in early childhood education programmes for bilingual children
Early numeracy
Using ICT To Document Children’s Learning
Co-constructed pathways of learning: A case study
Reshaping the learning disposition domains: Rethinking the language for infants and toddlers
Assessment of key competencies, literacy and numeracy: Can these be combined?
"Stone Crazy": A space where intentional teachers and intentional learners meet
Errors in test results: The "quick guide" part 1
Trickle-down effects: How have developments in senior secondary school social studies shaped practice in junior secondary social studies?
Understanding the lines in the sand: Diversity, its discourses and building a responsive education system
Teaching and learning fractions: Lessons from alternative example spaces
Are we there yet? Stagnation in entrepreneurship teaching practice 10 years on
Social sciences in the New Zealand curriculum: Mixed messages
The co-opting of hauora into curricula
Mathematics and The New Zealand Curriculum in the primary classroom
The recursive elaboration of key competencies as agents of curriculum change
Disturbing history's identity in the New Zealand curriculum to free up historical thinking
Culturally responsive pedagogies in the visual and performing arts: Exemplars, missed opportunities and challenges
Mathematics curriculum change: Parliamentary discussion over the past two decades
Editorial: Crisis, curriculum and citizenship
Educating healthy citizens in New Zealand schools: Students leading the way
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
The shape of curriculum change
Curriculum Implementation Exploratory Studies 2: Final report
What is a rich task?
Infusing peer assessment into classroom programmes: Descriptions of practice
Issues of culture and assessment in New Zealand education pertaining to Māori students
The challenges school administrators face in building assessment literacy
Formative assessment in practice: Helping change what’s inside the box
Reliability of individual teacher administrator practices during national monitoring assessment interviews in social studies
Working for positive washback: The potential and challenge of the standards–curriculum alignment project for Learning Languages
Teachers’ conceptions of assessment: Comparing primary and secondary teachers in New Zealand
An investigation into online moderation
Relational pedagogy and the Arts
Thinking skills in the early years: A literature review
Connecting learners with their pasts as a way into history
Attempting to capture the intangible: spirituality in state education
Who cares? Student's values and the mathematics curriculum
Towards an ethically-oriented curriculum: resisting the growth of instrumentalism
Transnumerative thinking: finding and telling stories within data
Citizenship education: does it have a place in the curriculum?
New times: the place of literacies and English in the curriculum
Once were curriculum developers
Conceptions of curriculum: A framework for understanding New Zealand’s curriculum framework and teachers’ opinions
Mathematics education in the English and French contexts and the implications for New Zealand of a “Europeanised” curriculum
A thinking curriculum
The literary curriculum and the denial of backgrounds
Signalling shifts in meaning: the experience of social studies curriculum design
Leadership in technology education
Towards a new technological literacy: curriculum development with a difference
Epistemological voyaging: thinking about a Māori-centric curriculum
The untold story of assessment
The spectre of the literary curriculum
Subjunctive spaces of curriculum: on the importance of eccentric knowledge
Planning and developing a social studies programme: a case for “serious talk” in the syndicate
Montessori mathematics in early childhood education
Using narrative inquiry to explore mathematics curriculum
Learning additional languages in New Zealand’s schools: The potential and challenge of the new curriculum area
Curriculum integration in secondary schools
Engaging curriculum for the middle years
Educating for ethical know-how: Curriculum in a culture of participation and complicity
The New Zealand Curriculum and preservice teacher education: Public document, private perceptions
The location and dislocation of Pacific knowledge and experience in New Zealand social studies (1997–2007)
Thinking and curriculum
The case for empathy in the history classroom
Fictionalising a future for a field: Engaging possibilities in curriculum research
Visual arts education in New Zealand: Curriculum, promise and challenge
How the conception of knowledge influences our educational practices: Toward a philosophical understanding of epistemology in education
Rethinking large-scale assessment
Assessing an assessment for learning professional development programme
Trust, collaboration and professional learning: Assessment for learning in Scotland
Teacher formative assessment decision making: A consideration of principles and consequences
Commentary: Wanted: A formative assessment starter kit
An analysis of the high representation of scientific and mathematical disciplines in New Zealand Scholarship Premier awards
Standards, teacher judgement and moderation in contexts of national curriculum and assessment reform
Adaptive help seeking: A strategy of self-regulated learners and an opportunity for interactive formative assessment
Assessment for learning as a participative pedagogy
Preparing assessment-capable teachers: What should preservice teachers know and be able to do?
Developing a curriculum for assessment education
Assessment: Complex concept and complex practice
How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise, and respond to children’s learning?
Ripples of action: Strengthening environmental competency in an early childhood centre
“Even when we’re big we’ll still be friends”: Working theories in children’s learning
Book review—Politics in the Playground: The World of Early Childhood in New Zealand (second edition), by Helen May
Kaupapa Māori assessment: A journey of meaning making
Distributed leadership: Utilising everyone’s strengths
Finding out about children’s literacies in family contexts: Vignettes from Wadestown Kindergarten
ICT and the greatest technology: A teacher’s mind
Kei tua o te pae: Assessing learning that reaches beyond the self and beyond the horizon
Supporting the transition from early childhood education to school: Insights from one Centre of Innovation project
Designerly Thinking: Locating technology education within the early childhood curriculum
An integrative curriculum approach to road safety education
Theory, Context, and Practice: Exploring the curriculum decision-making of early childhood teachers
Young children’s learning in early education settings and at home: Mothers’ understandings
Becoming ecologically sustainable in early childhood education
Getting beyond the “what” and the “how”: Problematising pedagogy in early childhood education
Teachers researching young children’s working theories
Food for thought: Breastfeeding and early childhood education services
Seeing things differently: Student teachers and the arts in early childhood settings
Being “sociocultural” in early childhood education practice in Aotearoa
Rescaling School-based Assessments
Inflated Marks: The relationship between standard of work and mark awarded
'I only think of the men ... I don't think of the women'
Size, Costs, Curriculum in Secondary Schools
How Young Pupils' Memories Work
Teaching Money making: School Based Enterprise in Australia; The Value of Mini-enterprises in Britain
Designing and Evaluating Programmes for Students With Special Educational Needs in Secondary Schools
Poetry, Poets, and Poetry Teachers
Keeping ourselves safe: A personal safety curriculum examined
Evaluation of the Process of Writing
Senior Secondary School Courses: A Study of courses that provide diversity, involvement and success
Success is not enough: differences between children & chimpanzees
Teaching Our Students: Adapting teaching styles to cultural and class differences
Content and Methods
Examsmanship and the Liberal Arts
Practice 10, Theory 5. An examination of the depth of learning
A basketful of assessment riches
Literacy: In Classrooms, Curriculums, Assessments and Politics
Learning to be Intelligent or Oh Good, That Was Clever! Teaching How to Think
Critical Thinking
Thinking about Thinking: A training programme in problem-solving strategies
A day at the stock market: The Role of IQ in the Transfer of Knowledge and Life-Course Outcomes
Prior Knowledge and How it Influences Classroom Learning. What does the Research tell us?
Assessment Strategies for the New Zealand Curriculum Framework
Re-Placing the Arts in Education
Constructing adolescent bodies: Some problems for health promotion through physical education
Children as Problem Solvers
I Would Have Told Them If They'd Asked
Learning Styles and Learning Outcomes. Based on Kolb's Learning Style Inventory
What do children think about families?
Involving parents in assessment: The home-school partnership in recording progress
Dimensions of social behaviours: Five-year-olds at school
Empowerment . . . through professional development
Change & the New Zealand primary school curriculum
"Key" competencies for all students? Australian teachers' views and practices
Teaching HSC English: The culture of uncertainty
Entrepreneurship: Inadequate Perceptions Of The Educator's Role
Politics, civics curricula, and decision making in schools: Can schools change student cynicism?
Food technology
Teachers need help: Primary music education in Australia
Middle schooling — a challenge for policy and curriculum: Findings of the National Middle Schooling Project Report
Information skills: Their impact on learning
How good schools function: Exploring the processes within value-added schools in New Zealand
School entry assessment: Implementation issues
Dot, slash, cross: How assessment can drive teachers to ticking instead of teaching
Diagnosing misconceptions in science: Understanding Planet Earth and Beyond
Curriculum integration: what it is and is not
Teacher perceptions of the use and value of formative assessment in secondary English programmes
The perceived impact of the technology curriculum
Schools' learning journeys: Reporting to parents at Nga Iwi School
Essential Skills Assessments: Information Skills. How well can students read between the lines?
Making the most of testing: An examination of different assessment formats
Enhancing student learning in technology through enhancing teacher formative interactions
NEMP experiences: Teachers talk about lessons learned and changes to their assessment practices
Levels-based assessment of writing: Scoring guides from the Assessment Resource Banks
Marking and feedback
Using achievement information to raise student achievement
Formative assessment and the professional development of teachers: Are we focusing on what is important?
Exercising Teachers’ Choice of NEMP Tasks: Bringing assessment resources into the classroom
SCHOOL ENTRY ASSESSMENT TASKS: Why do teachers use them – or not?
Curriculum Framing
Write to Spell in Primary Classrooms
Assessment in Technology is not a Written Language Exercise
Putting Students at the Centre: Developing effective learners in primary technology classrooms
"Put your finger on your nose if you are proud of your technology!" Technology in the new entrant classroom
Moving from the One-off: Supporting progression in technology
Learners and Outcomes: Where did all the children go?
New ways of thinking about raising boys' achievement
Learning social and co-operative skills in Year 1 classrooms
Influences on gifted students' motivation: Fostering healthy hearts & minds
Find the moral
The decline in jumping standards
"In, about, and for": Exploring the foundations of environmental education
Future thinking: One school's experience of teaching thinking strategies
An integrative curriculum approach to road safety education
“Do we get our say?” Negotiating the curriculum with students at risk
Teaching gifted and talented students in all classrooms: Research-based questions and answers
Illustrating quality social studies learning: Cases from the exemplar project
Multiple intelligences: fashionable or foundational?
What do Year 8 students know and understand about New Zealand society? Findings from a NEMP probe study
Who should decide the curriculum?
How well do our students achieve? A summary of 35 years of international comparisons
Great expectations: Pedagogical beliefs and instructional practices
Pupils' views of the curriculum: are you 'in the know'?
Students think history and teachers learn
Spotlight on assessment: an interview with Terry Crooks
Assessment Resource Banks and the new curriculum
Student-centred curriculum integration and The New Zealand Curriculum
Jumping to conclusions: Making too much of one response
The active construction of curricula: Primary teachers' perspectives
Do they get the picture? Feedback in primary classrooms
Supporting the development of a positive school culture
Changing the assessment focus in science
Students' perspectives on teacher questioning in the secondary classroom
Can drama enhance visual-art making?
Beyond the school gate: provisions for gifted and talented students
Exploring games of chase in the early childhood curriculum
Dust under the whāriki: Embracing the messiness of curriculum
Going beyond achievement: Spreading our assessment net wider
Thinking in science—What might progress look like?
Proclaiming the good news: Samoan children, church literacy and comprehension
Possibilities for summative assessment in social studies
What's happening with the Assessment Resource Banks?
Too much testing? Finding the signal amongst the noise
Change in the school curriculum: Looking to the future
School-based curriculum development: is it coming back into fashion?
Questions for a twenty-first century senior secondary curriculum
Making sense of measurement scales
Learning to "be" in a new century: reflections on a curriculum in transition
Investigating multiple literacies: Wadestown Kindergarten COI
How students interpret poetry: findings from Assessment Resource Banks trials
A hitchhiker's guide to validity
A hitchhiker's guide to reliability
Getting our heads around percentiles
Frequently asked questions about assessment
Formative assessment and the ARB website
Five questions worth asking about self-regulated learning
Determining meaning for key competencies via assessment practices
Engaging teachers in re-imagining curriculum
Assessing key competencies: Why would we? How could we?
Assessment Resource Banks: From national testing to a school-based resource
Well I know I need English and Maths ...
Learning curves: Meeting student needs in an evolving qualification regime - key findings from the first stage of a longitudinal study
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: 2009 overview report
Challenge for educational transformation: Achieving the aim of 'thinking and acting locally, nationally and globally' in a devolved education system
Evaluation of professional development to support the arts in the New Zealand curriculum
Life Education - Making a difference. An evaluation for the Life Education Trust
Assessment practices and aspects of curriculum in early childhood education
Assessment for Foundation Learning: The importance of purposeful assessment in adult literacy, numeracy and language courses
Learning through moderation: Minding our language
Teacher education and the hidden curriculum of heteronormativity
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
Assessing Adult Learning: Literacy and Numeracy Competencies: Conference Proceedings, 2010
Inspired by science
Reshaping the secondary school curriculum: Building the plane while flying it?
Literacy teaching and learning in e-Learning contexts
Planning and managing change: Messages from the Curriculum Innovation Projects