The 2020 Beeby Award has been granted to a group of educators, researchers and academics from across the North Island. He Whatu Rangatahi, will be a resource that will provide support, skills, strategies and inspiration to equip young people and their communities to effectively take part in a variety of transformative democratic processes.
Importantly, the resource will use Aotearoa as the base context weaving mātauranga Māori and Western understandings/social science together to provide a holistic Aotearoa-rangatahi-centric resource that emphasises belonging, connection and community.
The group’s lead author is Dr Maria Perreau and includes Associate Professor Tom Roa, Dr Bronwyn Wood, and Joanne Waitoa.
The $30,000 Beeby Award is jointly funded by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) and the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO (the National Commission).
‘NZCER is pleased to be able to support this proposal which goes to the very heart of what it takes to bring about transformative change for a socially just and equitable society,’ said Graeme Cosslett NZCER Director.
‘This has the potential to be a valuable resource for hapū and iwi and community organisations as well as in formal education settings. It will support young people in leadership and active citizenship, both areas of strategic importance to the National Commission’, said Chair Robyn Baker.
The group envisage that the resource will include both te reo Māori and English. It will be structured through a series of thematic case studies which allow for the voices of young people and the stories of their communities – past and present – to be heard and seen in authentic ways.
Each of the team members will contribute to the resource by drawing upon research projects in Aotearoa. Dr Maria Perreau’s doctoral study examined the being and becoming of young social activists in Aotearoa; Dr Bronwyn Wood led a study that provides examples of the spatial, affective, and relational aspects of youthful citizenship. Joanne Waitoa contributes research from an indigenous perspective, including a case study of rangatahi Māori views on local political participation. Associate Professor Tom Roa will weave selected historical narratives of mana rangatiratanga, karakia, whakataukī and waiata throughout each of the sections of the resource.
The resource will be ready for publishing by December this year.