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Assessment Matters 16: 2022


Author(s): Jared Carpendale and Mairi Borthwick

Science capabilities were introduced within the New Zealand context following the revised New Zealand Curriculum (NZC). These capabilities are a small set of things that NZC intends students to be...

Author(s): Bronwen Cowie and Suzanne Trask

In this article, we consider how assessment might reinforce New Zealand curriculum goals of knowing and doing in science for active and informed participation in societies that rely on scientific...

Author(s): Thomas Everth

Due to anthropogenic impacts generated by colonial and neocapitalist cultures, the world is now moving on accelerating trajectories toward dystopian futures. Education, traditionally engineered as...

Author(s): Rosemary Hipkins and Charles Darr

A standards-based assessment system provides opportunities to join curriculum intentions to demonstrations of complex learning. In this article we use New Zealand’s senior secondary qualifications...

Author(s): Carolyn Swanson, Pamela Perger, and Jayne Jackson

Designing an assessment that is fit for purpose in the initial teacher education (ITE) setting is complex. The assessment must meet the university and New Zealand Teaching Council regulations,...

Author(s): Simon Taylor and Barbara Whyte

This article provides a snapshot of assessment for learning in action. It introduces the drawings made by children who had been studying “Planet Earth and Beyond”—Matariki as a context in science...

Author(s): Carrie Vander Zwaag

Integrated STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) has been shown to effectively foster global competencies as well as school and societal engagement for 21st...