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Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 4: 2018


Author(s): Fiona Cram
Author(s): Robin Lin Miller

Keynote Address for 4th Annual Conference of the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment
29 September, 2017
Chicago, Illinois

Author(s): Dawn Adams

The epistemic systems that inform indigenous and Western research methods are based on competing cultural truth claims about reality, including the ways of knowing, the nature of meaning, and the separation or participation of an observer. Ian Barbour’s models of relationship between Western academic cultures with competing truth claims can...

Author(s): Gill Potaka-Osborne, Maaki Tuatini, Roberta Williams, and Lynley Cvitanovic

Mount Ruapehu, locally known as Matua Te Mana, is the metaphorical ancestor of Māori living around the rural community of Raetihi. Matua Te Mana has a significant presence and is pivotal to the health and wellbeing of local iwi. Whānau are leading Te Puāwai o Te Ahi Kaa innovation project,...

Author(s): Rachael Trotman, Fiona Cram, Tanya Samu, Moi Becroft, Reremoana Theodore, and Tony Trinick

In 2006, the ASB Community Trust (now Foundation North) committed $20 million to raising Māori and Pacific educational achievement in Auckland and Northland. Ten providers were funded through the Māori and Pacific Education Initiative (MPEI) to implement innovative educational approaches in their communities. Evaluators developed an overarching MPEI theory of...

Author(s): Toni White, Helen Percy, and Bruce Small

Evaluative capacity building is a critical element of weaving the action of evaluation, evaluative activity, evaluative thinking, and appreciation of evaluation into the fabric of organisations. AgResearch, the Crown Research Institute for the New Zealand pastoral farming sector, is embarking on the evaluative capacity building journey following an internal review...

Author(s): Lisa Dyson

Many organisations engage in self-evaluation. This requires organisational capacity to undertake evaluation and then capacity to make use of evaluation findings. Organisations lacking sufficient capacity often engage in evaluation capacity building (ECB). Most ECB literature describes how professional external evaluators build organisational evaluation capacity. In contrast, this study explored how...

Author(s): Fiona Cram, Min Vette, Moira Wilson, Rhema Vaithianathan, Tim Maloney, and Sarah Baird

In Aotearoa New Zealand a braided rivers—he awa whiria metaphor is facilitating conversations between Māori (indigenous peoples) and non-Māori researchers about the integration of knowledge systems. This article explores how an approach based on he awa whiria can work in practice in the examination of the efficacy for Māori whānau...

Author(s): Julian King and Stephanie Allan

Value for Money (VfM) poses an evaluative question about how well resources are used, and whether the resource use is justified (King, 2017). In international development there is increasing scrutiny on VfM. Currently, however, VfM assessment in the sector leaves substantial room for improvement. For example, VfM frameworks often comprise...

Author(s): Jane Furness

 Review of: Michael Quinn Patton. (2018). Principles-focused evaluation: The GUIDE. New York, NY: Guilford Press. 435 pp. ISBN: 978-1-46-253182-0.