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Author(s): Bev Webber

We are pleased to bring you the first issue of what we hope will be another source of stimulating research reading during 2008. Wherever there’s good research we’ll find it (with apologies to TVNZ...

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Author(s): Sarah Boyd

A series in which we ask a leading researcher to distil three key ideas from their work over the years.

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_002.pdf
Author(s): Jo Fletcher, Faye Parkhill, Amosa Fa'afoi, and Leali'ie'e Tufulasi Taleni

How do students from minority groups develop effective literacy skills? The perceptions of two groups of Pasifika students—one achieving and one underachieving in literacy learning—are compared....

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_004.pdf
Author(s): Jenny Horsley

A sample of students who achieved Scholarship identified their teacher as the most important factor influencing their success. Arguably, this research has implications for all teachers aiming to...

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_010.pdf
Author(s): Phillipa Hunter and Bruce Farthing

How do students understand concepts in school history curriculum and assessment documentation?

"Switched-on" history teachers tap into students' conceptual understandings, promote...

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_015.pdf
Author(s): Rachel Bolstad

Fictional article written from the perspective of a senior secondary student from the year 2030.

Inspired by the NZCER book  Disciplining and drafting or 21st century learning? Rethinking...

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_023.pdf
Author(s): Mere Berryman and Sonja Bateman

A hui whakatika (a meeting that seeks to resolve issues and make amends), facilitated by Māori In a mainstream school setting, provides a Treaty-based model for restoring harmony and avoiding...

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Author(s): Penni Cushman

Amid calls for more male teachers in primary schools, a representative sample of primary school principals gave their thoughts about the need for more "male role models" and listed the personal...

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_030.pdf
Author(s): Diane Brooks and Jo Fletcher

A case study in a high-decile school reveals a visionary principal and dedicated ICT lead teachers as key factors in ensuring effective integration of ICT into the curriculum—aligning with the...

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_035.pdf
Author(s): Rosemary Hipkins

The New Zealand Curriculum highlights the importance of learning to learn. This presents practical challenges to schools, in relation to shifts in teaching and learning practices. This article...

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_040.pdf
Author(s): Rosemary Hipkins, with Lynda Shanks and Michal Denny

This companion article reports initial findings of a case study of longer learning periods in one school. It examines whether teachers perceive longer lessons to make a difference to teaching...

Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_044.pdf
Author(s): Verena Watson
Are the tests normed? Why aren't the reading ages given in the new tests? How can we report to parents? Is there a specific test for each year group? How can we use the test results...
Full text: PDF icon set2008_1_051.pdf