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Author(s): Valerie N Podmore
Publication type: Literature review

Literature review of recent international research.

Recent research on class size and teacher-pupil ratios can inform policy and practice. Many studies on the impact of class size, and of teacher-student ratios, have concentrated on children's first years at school.

During the 1980s, the research investigated class size and:

8 June 2011
Author(s): Margaret Wilkie
Publication type: Research report

This report informs the Ministry of Education's research programme into the Special Education 2000 provisions.

It is based on the results of interviews with a range of Māori organisations, iwi, and whänau on special education issues for Māori.

7 June 2011
Competent children at 8: Families, early education, and schools
Author(s): Cathy Wylie, Jean Thompson and Cathy Lythe
Publication type: Research report

This is the third project report. It describes the competencies of 523 children at age 8, in the context of their schools and homes. It compares the data for age 8 with the data gathered when the children were 5 and 6.

What makes the most difference to competency levels?

1 June 2011
Out-of-school care: A review of quality provision
Publication type: Literature review

In New Zealand and in the United Kingdom there is a growing need for school-age childcare. New Zealand has made considerable progress in the provision of OSCAR (Out-of-School care and recreation) in recent years. However, there are still some challenges. The international and comparative research and information outlined in this review shows which areas still need attention. Among these are staff training and qualifications.

17 June 2011
Author(s): Bev Webber (Ed.)
Publication type: Conference proceedings

This is a collection of papers from the NZCER conference on Effective School Self-Management, held in Wellington, New Zealand in October 1998.

14 June 2011
Six years old and competent
Author(s): Cathy Wylie with Anne Else
Publication type: Book

A summary of the main report Competent Children At 6: Families, Early Education, and Schools. This part of the Competent Children study revisits the original group of 300 children, aged 6, after they have been at school for a year. How have the children's competencies changed? This book describes and analyses variations and changes in children's cognitive, social, communicative, and problem-solving competencies. It also examines the impact that children's early childhood education experiences, family resources, home activities, and school resources have on these competencies.

13 June 2011
Publication type: Journal article

This article analyses school funding trends in New Zealand since the 1989 decentralisation of education administration to school level. It looks at the extent to which school funding became based on formulae linked to student numbers and characteristics. It concludes that by 1998, New Zealand could be seen as having a quasi-voucher system.

The full journal article is published in:
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 34 (1), 1998. p. 99-109

10 June 2011
Author(s): Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Journal article

This article gives a brief summary of the main findings of the literature review, Can vouchers deliver better education?. It covers competition between schools, consumer choice, student achievement, and cost.

The full journal article is published in:
Institute of Policy Studies Policy Newsletter, n.55, 1998. p. 13-15

10 June 2011
Author(s): Anna Chalmers
Publication type: Research report

A second survey of AUS members where NZCER monitored the current situation by obtaining an up-to-date picture and comparing the results with those of the 1994 survey.

The AUS is the Association of University Staff of New Zealand.

9 June 2011
Can vouchers deliver better education? A review of the literature, with special reference to New Zealand
Author(s): Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Literature review

This literature review examines the findings of international and New Zealand research on education systems which use the main elements of the voucher approach to education: parental choice, per-student funding formulae, and self-managing schools.

8 June 2011
