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Student engagement
Student engagement
What do students say about Sorted in Schools and financial capability?
Student activism: Learning through doing
Conceptualising Māori and Pasifika Aspirations and Striving for Success (COMPASS)
Teachers as readers in New Zealand primary and intermediate schools
Critical literacy and games in New Zealand classrooms
Playing for Peace: Complex role-play gaming in high school history
I enjoy school now - Outcomes from the Check and Connect trials in New Zealand
Creating a space for student voice in an educational evaluation
Assessing students’ maths self-efficacy and achievement
Acts of learning worth learning from
New Zealand Students’ Mathematics-Related Beliefs and Attitudes: Recent Evidence
Does National Standards reporting help parents to understand their children’s learning?
Student portfolios: Do they have a purpose?
Engagement with learning
Reconsidering home learning in the digital learning environment: The perspectives of parents, students, and teachers
English-medium schools engaging whānau: Building relationships, creating spaces
Developing collaborative connections between schools and Māori communities
Improving engagement and achievement for Year 11 Māori and Pasifika students
“Every teacher has to come on board for our Māori students” He wero mō ngā kaiarahi wāhanga ako—the challenge for curriculum leaders
"It's who we are" Stories of practice and change from PB4L School-Wide Schools
Findings from the first phase of the evaluation of PB4L School-Wide
Year 2 Evaluation - Getting Runs on the Board
"A positive culture of support" Final report from the evaluation of PB4L School-Wide
Primary students’ perceptions of good teachers
“We know what to say—do we know what to do?” Confronting the disconnection between legislation, policy, and practices for inclusion of young children with disabilities
Early warning systems in schools: Tracking and monitoring students’ progress using NCEA achievement data
Transitioning from talking democratically, to thinking democratically and acting democratically: Exploring student-centred approaches to curriculum implementation
Student-centred curriculum integration in action: "I was wondering if you could tell me how much one meat patty and one sausage costs?"
“How can we teach them when they won’t listen?”: How teacher beliefs about Pasifika values and Pasifika ways of learning affect student behaviour and achievement
Respect in teaching and learning mathematics: Professionals who know, listen to and work with students
Inquiry learning, drama and curriculum integration
Service-learning as a responsive and engaging curriculum: A higher education institution’s response to natural disaster
Key messages about change in schools: A literature scan for Sport New Zealand
NZCER presentation about creating and embedding change in schools
Children of working mothers
Structured language programmes for pre-school children
Second language education of young children
Teaching styles and pupil progress: what the book says
Early childhood education in New Zealand
Slow learners, segregated, and integrated
Children's knowledge of time
The Same Mistakes: But More Often
Handbook of Research on Student Engagement
Walkabout in Sixth Grade
Engaging young people/young adults in literacy, language and numeracy skill development: A Literature Review
Exploring connections between engagement and student voice
Parents – the Untapped Resource in Special Education
Who Talks to William? and Karla, and Susan, and Michael, and ...? Adult-child interaction, particularly conversation, in early-childhood centres.
Young Children's Ordering Behaviour
Playgroup Ecology
Once Upon a Time, Amongst Blocks and Car Cases . . . Action Research to Enable Girls' Mathematics Learning
What Happens When a Child Starts School? Three books and three projects reviewed
A Hard-headed Look at the Fruits of Play
Anau Ako Pasifika: A home-based early childhood project for Pacific Islands families in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Emergent Literacy in Kindergartens
Persistence when it's difficult: A disposition to learn for early childhood
"Would you like to pack away now?": Improving the quality of talk in early childhood programs
Parental Beliefs and Literacy Practices with kindergarten-age children
Social Life and Learning: Peer scaffolding in a new entrant classroom
Joint attention: Learning to “know other minds”
Dialogues and Projects: Extending young children’s thinking
Transition to School from Pacific Early Childhood Centres
Starting childcare: What it means for children, mothers and teachers
Book review; Weaving Te Whāriki
What’s Important In Early Years Education? Some messages from research
This is school…where people come to learn for school: What children need to know when they start school
Co-constructed pathways of learning: A case study
"Stone Crazy": A space where intentional teachers and intentional learners meet
The SCIAnTICT project: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning of primary science
The schooling experiences of Pasifika students
Using multimodal texts to build engagement and achievement in literacy
Creating opportunities through care in the mathematics classroom
Praising Māori children: getting it right
Connecting learners with their pasts as a way into history
Who cares? Student's values and the mathematics curriculum
Transnumerative thinking: finding and telling stories within data
Listening to student voice
Grab that kite! Teaching mathematics in te reo Māori
Thinking in hypertext: Interrupting the mindset of schooling
Curriculum integration in secondary schools
Curriculum matters for all students? Understanding curriculum from the perspectives of disabled students and teacher aides
Is Asia represented in New Zealand secondary school curricula?
Engaging with difference: Using the arts and the community to help children connect with others
Rethinking large-scale assessment
Adaptive help seeking: A strategy of self-regulated learners and an opportunity for interactive formative assessment
Assessment for learning as a participative pedagogy
How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise, and respond to children’s learning?
Thinking skills in the early years: A literature review
What is it about the monkey bars?
Subject knowledge enhances the documentation of young children’s mathematical learning
The development of mathematical language in a young child: A pilot study
Narrative activity: mediating the complexities in learning
Young children breaking the rules: a sociocultural interpretation
ICT and the greatest technology: A teacher’s mind
Supporting the transition from early childhood education to school: Insights from one Centre of Innovation project
Designerly Thinking: Locating technology education within the early childhood curriculum
The role of arapū in reversing language shift in kōhanga reo
Noise and at-risk children in early childhood education centres
Getting beyond the “what” and the “how”: Problematising pedagogy in early childhood education
“The silent voice of the camera?" Young children and photography as a tool for listening
Independence and risk in early childhood settings: Providing opportunities for discussion
Forms, lists, and messages: Young children writing
Unravelling children’s “freedom of choice”
Collaborating with children and whānau in assessment for learning
Increasing Meta-learning: Part 1 - Encouraging Students to Ask Questions
Looking Inside the Physical Education Lesson
Let Someone Else Deal with Them: A study of students referred to an 'Activity Centre'
Behaviour Disordered Children
Teenage Perceptions in a Still Nuclear Age: An Up-date, 1989
Good and Bad in Prime Time TV for Kids
Modified sports: Kiwi and Aussie: The schools' experience of the programme
Dealing with Procrastination
Solving – Not Solving: Learning and Remembering Solutions to Problems
Ten days in new entrant classrooms
Encouraging creativity: The influence of motivation on writing poetry
TV and Homework
Fact + Fiction = Faction
Holes in the mind: cognitive development and cognitive deficit
Wielding Power in the Classroom
Content and Methods
Practice 10, Theory 5. An examination of the depth of learning
When Aptitude and Preference Mis-match
Conflict and Resolution During Co-operative Learning with Computers
'I've found my memory!': Reciprocal Teaching in a Primary School
Listening: What Our Pupils Tell Us
Increasing Students' Motivation to Learn
Three Dozen's a Crowd
How Pupils Learn
Kindly Take Your Seats
Children's Response to Teachers
What Do Students Think "Learning" is and How Do They Do It? A cross-cultural comparison
Learning Styles and Learning Outcomes. Based on Kolb's Learning Style Inventory
The Dynamics of support Circles
Goals and school motivation: Aboriginal and Navajo Perspectives
Visual skills for learning
Helping left-handed children
The gender differential in reading: Are boys failing the system or is the system failing boys?
What's the Point? Changes in students' beliefs about academic work in transition from primary school to secondary school
Adult-child relationships in early childhood programmes
Factors impacting on children's adjustment to the first year of primary school
Self-esteem and self-talk enhancement in upper primary school children
Politics, civics curricula, and decision making in schools: Can schools change student cynicism?
"A lot of 'em get so shamed": Koori students, risks, shame, and the classroom curriculum
Aiming for Student Achievement: How teachers can understand and better meet the needs of Pacific Island and Maori students
Middle schooling — a challenge for policy and curriculum: Findings of the National Middle Schooling Project Report
An enigma in our schools: Students who are academically talented and learning-disabled
Social life and learning: Peer scaffolding in a new entrant classroom
Developing emotional intelligence in the classroom
When will social studies become more "social" and less "studies"?
Multiage grouping in Victorian schools: Does it make a difference?
How good schools function: Exploring the processes within value-added schools in New Zealand
Group assessment: Exploring the influence of the gender composition of the group
Boys’ educational underachievement: An overview of some developments in Britain
An ecological approach to understanding behaviour: Comprehensive and culturally appropriate strategies towards student success
“Girls, just be sensible! Boys, come out from under the table!” Initial encounters in the classroom
Listening to culture: Maori principles and practices applied to support classroom management
Good talk in the classroom: a collaborative classroom research project
Co-operative learning: What it has to offer New Zealand teachers
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD): Clues and strategies for coping at school
All keyed up: The use of computers, at home and at school, by children with special needs
The serious limitations of ‘learning style’
Curiosity kits: The impact of non-fiction book bags on boys’ reading at home
Troubled transition: How to ensure that educational transition points do not interrupt student learning
Attitudes of primary school Australian Aboriginal children to their linguistic codes
Transition to school from Pacific Early Childhood Centres
“Writing sux!” Boys and writing: What’s the problem?
Kaiako Toa: Highly successful teachers in low decile schools
Listening to read: Further research on the tape assisted reading programme (TARP)
Environmental education in Otago primary schools: EDUCATION for the ENVIRONMENT?
Do pupils with learning difficulties need teaching strategies that are different from those used with other pupils?
Young children’s understanding of volume
The Band-Aid Strip
Environmental education for secondary students
This is school…where people come to learn for school: What children need to know when they start school
The importance of the teacher/student relationship for Māori and Pasifika students
Peer influences on learning
Write to Spell in Primary Classrooms
Assessment in Technology is not a Written Language Exercise
Putting Students at the Centre: Developing effective learners in primary technology classrooms
"Put your finger on your nose if you are proud of your technology!" Technology in the new entrant classroom
Moving from the One-off: Supporting progression in technology
Effective Reading Programmes in the Junior School: How some schools produce high literacy levels at Year 3
Environmental education: Roots in the past, visions of the future, opportunities in the present
News and Views - mainly for parents, whānau, and caregivers
"I was born with a few disabilities—this does not stop me from trying my best and I give most things a go." Inclusion from the perspectives of students with disabilities
Chinese-speaking students' perceptions of learning science in English in New Zealand
Learning social and co-operative skills in Year 1 classrooms
Influences on gifted students' motivation: Fostering healthy hearts & minds
Find the moral
Let's ask: "Is the content important to our students?"
Future thinking: One school's experience of teaching thinking strategies
Selling our education: Income and cultural diversity or disadvantaging domestic students?
What do pupils think about ICT?
Theatre and open-ended play in the early years: Combining to promote opportunities for creativity
Developing young children’s creativity: What can we learn from research?
“Do we get our say?” Negotiating the curriculum with students at risk
SMART START WITH PMP: Implementation, management, and evaluation
Inquiry-based curriculum integration in the secondary school
Students take the lead: moving towards student-led conferences
Multiple perspectives on a withdrawal programme for students gifted in mathematics
Move over teacher: sharing control of learning with our students using a transformative approach through education for sustainability
Teaching for Scholarship success
Influences on Pasifika students' achievement in literacy
Student-centred curriculum integration and The New Zealand Curriculum
Spotlight on learning pathways: An interview with Margaret Carr
Connecting science teachers with their Māori students: Linking one school’s tuata with forest ecology
History students voice their thinking: An opening for professional conversations
The power of student voice
Address at the launch of The Hidden Lives of Learners, by Graham Nuthall
Can drama enhance visual-art making?
Can I play? Children’s participation strategies in early childhood settings
From "student voice" to "youth–adult partnership"
"You can try sound brainy": The use of process drama to engage Pasifika boys
Using focus groups to support conceptual development in social studies
Going beyond achievement: Spreading our assessment net wider
Explicit teaching of social skills: Does it lead to behaviour change?
Reaching disengaged students through media skills
A focus on opportunities to learn and student engagement
Pathways, junctions, and pitstops: Youth transition policy in New Zealand
Engaging Young People in Learning: Why Does It Matter and What Can We Do?: Conference Proceedings 2009
OPENING UP A NEW WORLD: Reluctant readers' use of The Game and other stories
Longer learning periods for the secondary school day: What does research say?
Five questions worth asking about self-regulated learning
Engaging students in science
Developing an ethic of caring through narrative pedagogy
Beating the odds: Factors which can make a difference for New Zealand children in low-income homes
Educational issues for communities affected by transience and residential mobility: report on phase 1 (2003-2004)
Growing Independence: Competent Learners @ 14
Evaluation of the Literacy Professional Development Project
Education and enterprise: Learning at the interface
Early literacy: Quality teaching and learning in Pasifika early childhood education
Competent children and their teachers: Learning about trajectories and other schemas
Background of students in Alternative Education: Interviews with a selected 2008 cohort
A Matter of Perspective: Mapping Education Employment Linkages in Aotearoa New Zealand
Zooming in on learning in the digital age (ZILDA): Report 1: Zooming in on 'digital' age learners
Deliberate acts of virtual communication: Cellphones as a tool to enhance student learning and engagement
From "student voice" to "youth–adult partnerships": lessons from working with young people as partners for educational change
Better than a professional? Students as co-contributors to educational design