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Assessment Matters 14: 2020


Author(s): Mary Hill
Author(s): Nicole Barnes, Christopher Gareis, Christopher DeLuca, Andrew Coombs, and Kay Uchiyama

Recognising that assessment literacy is a complex construct comprised of knowledge, skills, and dispositions, the authors sought to better understand how teacher candidates develop assessment...

Author(s): Helen Dixon, Mary Hill, and Eleanor Hawe

The project reported in this article focused on evaluating the use of a preexisting observation schedule to document dimensions of primary teachers’ AfL practice with the intent of using this...

Author(s): Ívar Rafn Jónsson and Guðrún Geirsdóttir

Assuming that the quality of assessment for learning (AfL) is, to some extent, bound by the context of the assessment culture it thrives in, it becomes important to understand students’...

Author(s): Lisa Dyson

Secondary schools in New Zealand use assessment data for school self-evaluation, but little research has explored exactly how schools are using these data. This case study of selected high schools...

Author(s): Elizabeth Bond, Geoff Woolcott, & Christos Markopoulos

Formative assessment is a crucial aspect of teaching and learning in the classroom, but there is evidence that there has been a lack of effective implementation of formative assessment in practice...

Author(s): Jenny Poskitt

Building capability in assessment for learning is a goal of education systems internationally, though difficult for nations to successfully implement and sustain over time. Evidence about the...