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Dargaville Pūtoi Rito Communities of Readers—Research report
Teachers as readers in New Zealand primary and intermediate schools
An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement
Exploring literacy: How six schools lifted achievement
Critical literacy and games in New Zealand classrooms
Mode equivalency in PAT: Reading Comprehension
Literacy research that matters. A review of the school sector and ECE literacy projects
Solving summer slide: Strategies and suggestions
Let’s talk about literacy: Preparing students for the transition to tertiary learning
Classroom interaction and language learning: English-language-learner vignettes
Using selected NCEA standards to profile senior students’ subject-area literacy
Questions that matter, conversations that count: Implementing critical literacy with young children
Hei Ara Ako ki te Oranga: A model for measuring wellbeing outcomes from literacy programmes
On teaching reading and being a reader
Reading: Smith's Rule, McAndrew's Ploy, Bedwell's Condition
Deliberate design: An analysis of the 2010–11 School Journals and Teacher Support Materials
Assessment of key competencies, literacy and numeracy: Can these be combined?
The development of meaning
Language and social class
Structured language programmes for pre-school children
Second language education of young children
Is bilingualism a handicap?
A close look at the cloze test
The pronunciation of english in New Zealand
Books: Research into the reading, buying, and borrowing of books in New Zealand
The Same Mistakes: But More Often
Emergent Literacy in Kindergartens
Parental Beliefs and Literacy Practices with kindergarten-age children
Assessment of key competencies, literacy and numeracy: Can these be combined?
Using metacognition to explore spelling strategies
The expressive realities of 5- and 6-year-olds in low socioeconomic schools
Principled practice: Secondary teachers collaborate to bring a language focus to their content teaching
The challenges of graph interpretation in science
Achieving success: The role of metacognition in secondary literacy learning
An initiative to counter the “summer reading drop”: An iterative process
Using multimodal texts to build engagement and achievement in literacy
Infusing peer assessment into classroom programmes: Descriptions of practice
Spotlight on spelling: An interview with Cedric Croft
New times: the place of literacies and English in the curriculum
Literacy and the achievement gap
Learning additional languages in New Zealand’s schools: The potential and challenge of the new curriculum area
Grammar in the New Zealand English curriculum: Implications for primary school teachers and teacher educators
Commentary: Towards defining, assessing and reporting against national standards for literacy and numeracy in New Zealand
The development of mathematical language in a young child: A pilot study
Finding out about children’s literacies in family contexts: Vignettes from Wadestown Kindergarten
Transitions Within the Centre & to School: Research at a Samoan-language immersion centre
Teachers researching young children’s working theories
Forms, lists, and messages: Young children writing
Increasing Meta-learning. Part 2: Thinking Books
A role for Print Literacy in a Free Communications Market?
Poetry, Poets, and Poetry Teachers
Encouraging creativity: The influence of motivation on writing poetry
Evaluation of the Process of Writing
Paired writing: helping beginning writers get started
Twin studies of spelling: A new look at where poor spellling comes from and what to do about it
Fact + Fiction = Faction
Memorable Text
Titular Colonicity and Scholarship Revisited: Research and Scholarly Impact
Reading But not understanding
Thx rxxl bxxks dxbxtx xs pxxntlxss
In the Company of Authors
Ready to Read in the South Pacific
The Co-operative Reading Resource and How It Changed the Reading Skill of 8- and 9-Year-Olds
Literacy: In Classrooms, Curriculums, Assessments and Politics
The (Relatively) Constant Consonant
How Lack of Confidence in Spelling Affects Children's Written Expression
The Process of Reading
Literacy on the job
Reading to Pre-schoolers: Models of Tutoring
Listening and Speaking: Vital parts of any second language programme
TRT: Title Recognition Test
Measuring Print Exposure in New Zealand classrooms
Tatari Tautoko Tauawhi: A Maori language reading tutoring programme
Language Revival and Reversal
Using CD-ROM story books to encourage reading development
The dynamics of information problem solving
Not The Class Novel: A different reading program
The Phonic Debate Revisited
Spelling Instruction In Primary Schools
The magic box
Book buying in school libraries: Hit or miss?
The gender differential in reading: Are boys failing the system or is the system failing boys?
What makes for an effective literacy learning activity? Seven Years of Observation and Analysis
Promoting Māori language through reading and interactive tasks
Whole-language teachers and phonics: Not "do they?" but "how much is enough?"
Achieving literacy for the hardest-to-teach: A third chance to learn
Reading recovery: A case study
Information skills: Their impact on learning
Mapping literacy achievement: The 1996 Australian National School English Literacy Survey
Information skills: How well can New Zealand students find information?
Good talk in the classroom: a collaborative classroom research project
Words matter: Thinking and talking about writing in the classroom
Teacher perceptions of the use and value of formative assessment in secondary English programmes
Supporting curriculum learning and language learning with an ESOL learner in a mainstream class
Guided reading for beginning readers: Do the guidelines work?
Report card for integrated learning systems (SuccessMaker): Is there evidence of improved literacy and numeracy outcomes?
Curiosity kits: The impact of non-fiction book bags on boys’ reading at home
Gender, ethnicity and literacy acquisition by age six
Student ‘belief effects’ in remedial reading: Stories from six severely reading disabled adolescents
Schools' learning journeys: Evaluating a literacy intervention at Dawson Road Primary School
Schools' learning journeys: Evaluating a new approach to professional development in literacy at Viscount School
Essential Skills Assessments: Information Skills. How well can students read between the lines?
Drama as a framework for the development of literacy
Ngā Kete Kōrero: A framework for assigning levels of difficulty to existing and new Māori reading resources
Word processors: drafting, crafting, or presentation tools? Students’ use of computers for writing in two primary schools
Attitudes of primary school Australian Aboriginal children to their linguistic codes
Paired writing: Helping beginning writers get started
The effective teaching of writing
“Writing sux!” Boys and writing: What’s the problem?
Levels-based assessment of writing: Scoring guides from the Assessment Resource Banks
Reading across the curriculum: Secondary school students talk about themselves as readers
Listening to read: Further research on the tape assisted reading programme (TARP)
How useful do teachers find the tools and strategies they use for assessing English and mathematics at Years 5, 7, and 9?
What tools and strategies do teachers use to assess Years 5, 7, and 9 students in English and mathematics?
Write to Spell in Primary Classrooms
Can we keep it? Yes we can!: A summary of the Books in Homes programme evaluation
Effective Reading Programmes in the Junior School: How some schools produce high literacy levels at Year 3
News and Views - mainly for parents, whānau, and caregivers
Chinese-speaking students' perceptions of learning science in English in New Zealand
Transitions within the centre & to school: Research at a Samoan-language immersion centre
Students reading together: A modified reciprocal teaching approach
Evidence of phonological-based word identification deficits among children with reading difficulties
LITERACY TEACHING AND LEARNING DURING THE SECONDARY YEARS: Establishing a pathway for success to NCEA and beyond
What factors promote and support Pasifika students in reading and writing?
INFORMATION LITERACY and evidence-based practice
How well do our students achieve? A summary of 35 years of international comparisons
FISHING WITH THE NEW NET ... transfer of students’ information-literacy skills between the secondary and tertiary environments
Strengthening written language—a cluster approach
Phonological awareness: Investigating the phonological awareness knowledge of New Zealand primary schools' educators
Great expectations: Academic and social outcomes for students
Extending guided reading with critical literacy
Influences on Pasifika students' achievement in literacy
Raising students’ literacy achievements in secondary school: Findings from teacher–researcher partnerships
How can the needs of advanced bilingual learners be met in primary schools?
Asian students in New Zealand classrooms: Their perceptions of supports and barriers to reading achievement
Improving students’ writing: The impact of teacher knowledge and student-focused practice
Paying attention to detail: Getting readers to think small so they can think big
An unexpected breakthrough for rapid reading improvement: AVAILLL uses movies so students read it, see it and get it
Reading-related language abilities: Māori children “at promise”
Spotlight on literacy: An interview with Professor Tom Nicholson
Literacy, cultural diversity, and home–school partnerships
"How many sounds in ox?" A survey of linguistic knowledge that teachers might need to teach reading and spelling effectively
First language literacy skill transfer in a second language learning environment: STRATEGIES FOR BILITERACY
RĀPP: tape-assisted reading to support students' literacy in Māori in two bilingual schools
“Talk about Books”: Investigating a junior primary oral language programme
To find or to fix: Effective teacher response to error in early literacy learning
Sustaining improvements in student achievement: Myth or reality?
Proclaiming the good news: Samoan children, church literacy and comprehension
Literacy teaching and learning for the 21st century: Bridging the theory to practice gap
How Well is Reading Recovery Really Working in New Zealand? Reply to Chapman, Greaney and Tunmer
Literacy and eLearning: Possibilities for transformation
Literacy teaching and learning for the 21st century - Bridging the theory to practice gap
OPENING UP A NEW WORLD: Reluctant readers' use of The Game and other stories
Investigating multiple literacies: Wadestown Kindergarten COI
How students interpret poetry: findings from Assessment Resource Banks trials
Empowering students to become self-regulating writers: THE JOURNEY OF ONE CLASS
Effective use of Reading Recovery in low-decile schools
Creating continuity through literacy experiences at Wilton Playcentre
Reading Recovery in New Zealand: Uptake, implementation, and outcomes, especially in relation to Maori and Pasifika students
Beating the odds: Factors which can make a difference for New Zealand children in low-income homes
Assessment resource banks and other approaches to school-based assessment in New Zealand
Messages about reading
Evaluation of the Books in Homes programme
Evaluation of the Literacy Professional Development Project
Evaluation of the Home-School Partnership: Literacy Programme
Early literacy: Quality teaching and learning in Pasifika early childhood education
Assessment for Foundation Learning: The importance of purposeful assessment in adult literacy, numeracy and language courses
Revised PAT: Listening Comprehension
National standards submission
He whānau mātau, he whānau ora: Māori adult literacy and whānau transformation
Assessing Adult Learning: Literacy and Numeracy Competencies: Conference Proceedings, 2010
Literacy teaching and learning in e-Learning contexts
NZCER background paper on national standards for literacy and numeracy