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Rachel Bolstad

Job Title: 
Kaihautū Rangahau | Chief Researcher

Rachel is a Kaihautū Rangahau | Chief Researcher at NZCER. Her work in education research is driven by an endless curiosity about the world and a strong commitment to better educational experiences and outcomes for all learners, as well as teachers, families, and communities.  Rachel constantly strives to develop her own, and other people's thinking about education, why it matters, and how our learning and teaching systems may need to change to match the opportunities and demands of a changing world. She enjoys working in teams and drawing inspiration and influence from a wide range of fields, in particular the creative arts. 

Rachel's current work programme includes leading a research project to explore systemic educational responses to climate change. She has previously led several research projects on environmental education and education for sustainability.

Her other research interests include local curriculum design, students' experiences of education, game-based learning, and future-oriented education. 

Rachel was lead organiser for the 2017 NZCER Games for Learning conference.

Rachel was a guest on The Point of Learning podcast and chatted with Pete Hall about thoughts on the future, the power of immersive experience, and how we can really shift thinking in education.

She was a judge in the 2016 NZTA Student Game Design Competition.

Her first digital game, Curriculum for the Future, was launched in 2016.

Bolstad, R. (2010). From “student voice” to “youth–adult partnerships”: Lessons from working with young people as partners for educational change. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Bolstad, R., & Gilbert, J. (2008). Disciplining and drafting, or 21st century learning? Rethinking the New Zealand senior secondary curriculum for the future. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Bolstad, R. (2006). Evaluation of the Northland Enterprising Teachers (NET) initiative: Final report. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Bolstad, R., Gilbert, J., Vaughan, K., Darr, C., & Cooper, G. (2006). Zooming in on learning in the digital age (ZILDA): Report 1: Zooming in on "digital age" learners. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Bolstad, R., & Gilbert J. (2006). Creating digital age learners through school ICT projects: What can the Tech Angels project teach us? Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research. 

Hipkins, R., Roberts, J., Bolstad, R., & Ferral, H. (2006). Staying in Science 2: Transition to tertiary study from the perspectives of New Zealand year 13 science studentsWellington: Ministry of Research, Science and Technology.

Bolstad, R. (2005). Digital Opportunities Project (2001-2003): Evaluation of Notebook Valley. Wellington: Report for the Ministry of Education, prepared by New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Bolstad, R. (2004). The role and potential of ICT in early childhood education. A review of New Zealand and international literature. Wellington: Ministry of Education.

Bolstad, R. (2004). School-based curriculum development: Principles, processes, and practices. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Bolstad, R., Baker, R., with Barker, M., & Keown, P. (2004). Environmental education in New Zealand schools: research into current practice and future possibilities. Volume 2: A review of national and international research literature on environmental education practices. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research and University of Waikato, for the  Ministry of Education.

Bolstad, R., Cowie, B., & Eames, C. (2004). Environmental education in New Zealand schools: research into current practice and future possibilities. Volume 1: Summary of the research findings. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research and University of Waikato, for the Ministry of Education.

Bolstad, R. (2004) Where are your science students going (and how can you help them get there)? New Zealand Science Teacher no.106, pp. 36-40.

Bolstad, R., & Hipkins, R. (2003). Evaluation of the Business of Science Initiative. Wellington: Final research report prepared for the Ministry of Research, Science, and Technology, by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research. [pdf file, Retrieved 24.09.04]

Bolstad, R. (2003). Environmental education: Roots in the past, visions of the future, opportunities in the presentset: Research Information for Teachers, 3. New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Bolstad, R. (2003). Environmental education for secondary studentsset: Research Information for Teachers, 3. New Zealand Council for Educational Research.

Research outputs

Year published Title Publication type Category
2024 Decolonising our approaches to educational research—Learning from our shared experiences at Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa (NZCER) Working paper Te whakakorenga o te mahi tami i te ao mātauranga | Decolonising Education
2024 He Kaponga Arotake: Evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard approaches by Springboard Trust Research report
2024 Ki te ako āhuarangi tōnui ki Aotearoa | Towards flourishing climate education in Aotearoa New Zealand Research report
2023 Evaluation of Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko, National Digital Readiness programme Research report ICT Professional learning Evaluation Implementing New Zealand Curriculum
2022 Climate Justice: Why does it matter? Research briefing 5 Research summary
2022 Springboard Trust Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme: Gaining insight into the experiences of Māori leaders and capacity partners Research report
2021 Climate change: What can schools do? Research briefing 1 Research summary
2021 Connecting climate change with place and culture: Research briefing 4 Research summary
2021 Leadership and school-wide climate responses: Research briefing 2 Research summary
2021 Learning and career pathways for a low-carbon future: Research briefing 3 Research summary
2021 Schools' carbon footprint pilot: Final report Research report Schooling for the future
2020 Climate change and sustainability in primary and intermediate schools infographic Infographic Schooling for the future
2020 Climate change and sustainability in primary and intermediate schools report Research report School governance and management Schooling for the future
2020 Climate change and sustainability in secondary schools report Research report
2020 Opportunities for education in a changing climate: Themes from key informant interviews Research report Policy Schooling for the future
2019 Games, gamification, and game design for learning: Innovative practice and possibilities in New Zealand schools Research report Schooling for the future Curriculum and assessment Games for learning
2018 Editorial Journal article Games for learning
2018 Opening the door to games at Hutt Central School: The benefits of a syndicate-wide approach Research report Schooling for the future Curriculum and assessment Games for learning
2018 Researching game-based learning practices in Aotearoa New Zealand Journal article Games for learning
2017 Digital technologies for learning: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016 Research report Schooling for the future Implementing New Zealand Curriculum Longitudinal projects
2017 Remixing the Key Competencies: A curriculum design deck Professional learning resource Key Competencies
2016 An analysis of participant blogs supplemented by teacher interviews Research report Post-school learning Professional learning
2016 Game coding workshops in New Zealand public libraries Research report Games for learning
2016 Sharing our gifts with the community Research report
2015 Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research update 2015 Research report Science education Schooling for the future Curriculum and assessment Implementing New Zealand Curriculum
2015 Exploring new metrics for Education 3.0 Research report Schooling for the future
2014 Curriculum for the Future Professional learning resource PLD for facilitators Professional learning Schooling for the future Curriculum and assessment
2014 Editorial Journal article Schooling for the future
2014 Key Competencies for the Future Book Implementing New Zealand Curriculum Key Competencies
2014 Partnerships: Building a future-oriented science education in Aotearoa New Zealand Conference presentation Science education
2013 Digital technologies and future-oriented science education Professional learning resource ICT Science education Schooling for the future
2013 e-in-science: Future-oriented science learning Research report Science education Schooling for the future
2013 Measuring New Zealand students' international capabilities: An exploratory study Research report Public understanding of education Schooling for the future
2013 Strengthening engagements between schools and the science community Research report Science education Curriculum and assessment Families and communities
2012 Participating and contributing? The role of school and community in supporting civic and citizenship education Research report Schooling for the future
2012 Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching - a New Zealand perspective Research report Public understanding of education Schooling for the future
2012 What role might research play in supporting future-oriented community engagement with education? Working paper Public understanding of education Families and communities
2011 Editorial Journal article
2011 From "student voice" to "youth–adult partnership" Journal article Student engagement Families and communities
2011 From "student voice" to "youth–adult partnerships": lessons from working with young people as partners for educational change Research report Student engagement Families and communities
2011 Principles for a future-oriented education system Journal article Schooling for the future Key Competencies
2011 Taking a "future focus" in education—what does it mean? Working paper Schooling for the future
2011 The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 1: A review of the literature Research report Curriculum and assessment
2011 The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 2: A synthesis Research report Schooling for the future
2011 The contributions of learning in the arts: Literary review and summary brochure Research summary Schooling for the future
2010 Better than a professional? Students as co-contributors to educational design Research report Schooling for the future Student engagement Families and communities
2010 LEOTC Provider Trends, Issues, and Themes Research report
2010 The impact of Futureintech Research summary Science education Careers and transition
2010 Virtual classrooms: Lessons for teaching and learning in the 21st century Journal article ICT Schooling for the future
2009 Education and enterprise: Learning at the interface Research report Schooling for the future Student engagement Families and communities
2009 Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2008 surveys Research report
2009 How can schools foster and support e-learning and virtual learning? Professional learning resource ICT
2009 NZCER evaluation of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters Research report
2009 Organising for Emergence Research report
2009 Students’ experiences of learning in virtual classrooms Research report ICT
2008 A possible future? Senior secondary education in the year 2030 Journal article Schooling for the future
2008 Disciplining and Drafting, or 21st Century Learning? Rethinking the New Zealand Senior Secondary Curriculum for the Future Book School governance and management Schooling for the future
2008 Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2007 surveys Research report Schooling for the future
2008 Seeing yourself in science Research report Science education
2007 Education for enterprise (E4E) research summaries Research summary Schooling for the future
2006 Creating digital age learners through school ICT projects: What can the Tech Angels project teach us? Research report ICT
2006 Evaluation of the Northland Enterprising Teachers (NET) initiative: final report Research report
2006 Questions for a twenty-first century senior secondary curriculum Journal article Policy Schooling for the future Curriculum and assessment
2006 Staying in Science 2 : Transition to tertiary study from the perspectives of New Zealand Year 13 science students Research report Science education
2006 Who should decide the curriculum? Journal article Curriculum and assessment
2006 Zooming in on learning in the digital age (ZILDA): Report 1: Zooming in on 'digital' age learners Research report ICT Schooling for the future Student engagement
2006 Zooming in on Learning in the Digital Age: A Literature Review Literature review ICT School governance and management
2005 Digital opportunities pilot project (2001-2003): Evaluation of Notebook Valley Research report ICT
2005 Planning and managing change: Messages from the Curriculum Innovation Projects Research report Curriculum and assessment
2005 School-based curriculum development: is it coming back into fashion? Journal article Policy School governance and management Curriculum and assessment
2005 Students as lifelong learners: Reflections on student data from the evaluation of the Curriculum Innovations Projects Conference paper Key Competencies
2005 Time for critical thinking in secondary science? Conference paper Science education
2004 Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research into current practice and future possibilities Research report Science education Schooling for the future
2004 Environmental education: A place in the curriculum? Journal article Science education Schooling for the future
2004 Evaluation of the 'Time for critical thought' resource Research report Science education
2004 Evaluation of the practice of environmental education in New Zealand schools Conference paper
2004 Role and potential of ICT in early childhood education: A review of New Zealand and international literature Literature review
2004 Role of partnerships in environmental education in New Zealand schools Conference paper
2004 School-Based Curriculum Development: Principles, Processes, and Practices Literature review
2004 School-based curriculum development: Redefining the term for New Zealand schools today and tomorrow Conference paper
2004 Where are your science students going (and how can you help them get there)? Journal article
2003 Environmental education for secondary students Journal article Schooling for the future Student engagement
2003 Environmental education: Roots in the past, visions of the future, opportunities in the present Journal article Schooling for the future Student engagement
2003 Evaluation of the Business of Science initiative: Final research report Research report Science education
2003 Te Hiringa i Te Mahara: The power of the mind: Evaluation report Research report
2002 Building a “vocabulary of experiences”: Supporting children’s learning in science centres Journal article Science education
2002 Commonsense, trust and science: How patterns of beliefs and attitudes to science pose challenges for effective communication Research report Science education
2002 Curriculum, Learning and Effective Pedagogy: a literature review in science education Literature review Science education
Teaching the 'nature of science': Modest adaptations or radical reconceptions? Journal article Science education